Saturday, October 24, 2015

New and old

I know the blog has been empty for a while.  That is due to life's ups and downs.  We seem to be looking at an up cycle so I'm taking a moment to throw out a few things.

Thank you..
To the friends and family that stood with us, supported us and were the ones who helped in any manner to get us where we are now.

A lot of new has gone on in our lives.  We have a new son-in-law, a new grandchild, a new place to lay our heads and new jobs.  That is a lot of new!

Which is another point of this blog, what do you do when so much is new to hold onto what got you to this place?  Our choice was to decorate with it.

Gallery walls seem to be a hot item on Pinterest and other designing sites.  My husband, Jeff and I went around and around on how to decorate a really, REALLY, long wall.  We didn't have much material items anymore and definitely not large enough artwork to put on the long wall.  The artwork we had would look like a stamp in the middle of a large manilla envelope.  Not exactly a look we were going for.  We decided to do our own version of a gallery wall.

Now, I know it's not in perfect balance in this picture, but I'm posting anyway because life isn't perfect.

The photos are all ones we have taken on our travels so it was only a matter of getting them printed in sizes we liked.  The frames all came from WalMart for under $3 each.  The wall vinyl came from Hobby Lobby.  All told, the entire wall was around $75.  A large art piece would easily be that much or more and wouldn't mean as much as our pictures do.  They are wonderful conversation starters and best of all, none of them include our faces so it isn't a vanity wall.  I love our photos but I don't want to look at pictures of myself all the time. 

I'll be blogging more about changes and yes, food, more this year and next.  Welcome back and thank you my friends.